Prayer Is Priority

Over Christmas  break, a couple of days before I was planning to leave home, my mom asked me to stay home longer. I had a few days off and really could not think of a valid reason why I could not stay. I will admit the free home cooked meals did sway my opinion slightly! In those extra days, I got some much needed rest and my extremely busy life was on pause. In a beautiful place of rest, God began to speak to my heart compelling me to "give myself to prayer".

David used this term in Psalms 109:4 "...but I give myself unto prayer" and the disciples used this term in Acts 6:4 "but we will give ourselves continually to prayer". This phrase intrigues me because it goes above the "standard" prayer life of the everyday Christian. Why didn't David just say "but I'll pray" or the disciples "but we will continue to pray"? Instead they were saying, we submit ourselves to prayer!

While setting goals for 2015, I am determined to focus on giving myself to prayer by enforcing these three simple words "Prayer is Priority". The unrealistic part of me would have loved to stay on Christmas break and never come back to the reality of everyday commitments. Although I have many demands, prayer MUST be priority. Why? Because God makes me priority! I know He has way more demands than I do but to Him, I am priority because He always hears me (John 11:41).


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