Sticks and Stones

I have a personal ought with whoever created this old yet untrue statement;

“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”. 

I have come to despise this statement because it is a proven lie. Words can hurt much worse than sticks and stones. Sometimes the body heals quicker than the spirit. Words can linger for years and carry hurts that many people take to their grave.  Hurt can lead us down the very bitter road of unforgiveness; a road frequently and familiarly traveled.  As believers, God intersects us on this road and require us to forgive by gently reminding us that He has forgiven our sins.

 Jesus even made such a heavy statement in Matthew 6:15 when he said, “But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”  This statement cannot get any simpler. Forgive to be forgiven. If you do not forgive, you will not be forgiven. If you are not forgiven, than how can you be born again? When God began to break this down to me, forgiving others became equally as important as salvation. I mean, think about it! If your sins are not forgiven, how can you be saved? Jesus let us know that forgiveness is not just mandatory but your salvation rest upon it. How can we ask God to forgive us for our sins, if we refuse to forgive others? Jesus even put this in the model of how we should pray in Matthew 6:12, “And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors”. In the same breath in which we ask God for forgiveness, we should forgive others.
I know when I have really messed up and I feel so bad, that I am so eager for that other person to forgive me. It’s always easier to be on the receiving end. All of us want to receive forgiveness but we become selfish when it is our turn to give it back. If the only true and living God who rules heaven and earth forgave us and sent His only Son while we were yet sinners, who are we, as mere humans, to not forgive each other? Whatever you may be holding on to it, is it worth it to risk missing the kingdom of God and not have your sins forgiven you because you refuse to forgive? Don't take it to the grave!


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