We are an affirmation seeking and driven society. Social media creates a wonderful but many times, a false sense of affirmation. The right angle. The right lighting. The right filters. We create an image that we think is worthy of praise or attention. We post things that will gain a lot of "likes" because we tend to feed off of the affirmation and approval that a simple "like" can bring. 

Affirmation is needed for all of us. Everyone needs to be affirmed at some point in their life or even their day. Affirmation is quite healthy and can boost our confidence tremendously. However, we have to zoom into where our affirmation comes from. For example, affirmation may come from a significant other when he or she says "I love you" but the rest of the relationship is often full of verbal abuse. You may receive affirmation one moment and then in the next moment, it is gone. Due to our built-in need for affirmation, we tend to put up with so much just to hold on to the smallest sign of feeling accepted. Think about it. We take probably, on average, 10 selfies before finding one that is "affirmation-worthy" but those 10 attempts are a small price to pay for that one successful selfie!

The only issue is that the people or things we draw affirmation from are inconsistent. We look for approval in places that really have no value. You don't become a better person if you gain a million followers on Instagram. The most consistent form of affirmation comes from God. God will not affirm you one day and unfriend you the next. God affirms not just your outward appearance, that can be covered in filters, He affirms who He has called you to be and who you are to Him!

A great example is found in Matthew 17: 4-6 

Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.” While he was still speaking, a bright cloud covered them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him, I am well pleased. Listen to him!”  When the disciples heard this, they fell face-down to the ground, terrified.

Peter wanted to build something man made for Jesus but later Peter would deny His very existence. People that love you and sing your praises today can sometimes deny you tomorrow. God cut Peter off while he was still speaking and affirmed Jesus as His Son that He loves and is well pleased with. 
Jesus needed this affirmation as He went to the cross and Pete later denied Him. When GOD affirms you, you are able to fulfill your purpose and thrive! You don't have to be boxed into to people's wavering approval when God stamps His love and acceptance on you! BE FREE! BE AFFIRMED BY GOD NOT MAN! You should take the words of man lightly but cling to and breathe off of the approval that only God can truly give you. God sees you for who you are. At your ugliest unfiltered state both naturally and spiritually. He sees when you have a bad attitude, no makeup, no money, no affirmation from the people that you love the most, etc. Only God can make up for the affirmation that we long for and truly satisfy us with no strings attached.


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