God ALWAYS hears us!

Many of us know the story of Lazarus and how Jesus called him forth from the grave. We have heard many accounts on Mary and Martha but most of us miss a life changing verse in this passage. By life changing, I mean  this verse has completely changed my prayer life!

“And I know that You always hear Me, but because of the people who are standing by I said this, that they may believe that You sent Me.” -John 11:42

Jesus was fully confident that His prayers were heard! Not just one prayer but ALL of His prayers! He prayed from a place of confidence in God. Jesus taught us a very powerful lesson as He prayed so that we could understand how to pray.

One of the most annoying things, is to talk to someone, especially when you are pouring your heart out, and they are not listening! Sometimes, we feel like we are crying out to God but He is not listening. In John 11, before the miracle even takes place, Jesus teaches us that God is listening whether we get the answer or not. Lazarus was already dead for four days and still Jesus knew that God was hearing His prayers!

As children of God, we must fully digest the truth that God always hears us! There are times in our lives when we feel all alone, but the truth that God is with us has to go beyond our feelings. There are times when we pray and feel completely ignored, but even in the midst of silence, God is listening. No matter how long something has been dead in your life, I challenge you to not lose confidence in the fact that God always hears you.

When you know that God always hears you, you will be much more encouraged to pray without ceasing. We find it hard to pray at times because we do not feel that God hears us! But today, if you hold on to this verse, it will literally cause you to pray from a place of confidence and joy.


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