"His glory can change your story"

Any really great author  has a plan before putting the pen to the paper. An author foresees obstacles and tragedy and can create the most miraculous outcome. I am a "drama" person. Not a person of drama. Let me clarify! I enjoy dramas such as movies, plays, musicals, TV series, you name it! With a great story line, I often feel like I know or can relate to the characters. However, I do not like when stories are predictable and have no suspense or thrill.

Somehow, when it trickles down to my real life, I prefer certain things to be somewhat predictable. Twists, turns and tragedies are far from entertaining in real life.  As I have committed to allowing God to write the story of my life, He amazes me with much suspense. He stretches me far beyond what I ever imagined and as a good author, He knows the ins and outs of my character. He knows me because He created me. He created you. He can write our stories because we are His creation.

I'm amazed at the stories God writes because my own story would be completely different. Bad choices would have been "THE END" with no means of second chances. To spare you details, it would be a story of tremendous sorry with no happy ending. Imagine that! Imagine watching a movie that ends on the saddest scene possible. You would walk away so discouraged and probably regret even seeing the movie. That happened to me once. I went to see a play and the last scene was somebody falling over and dying. The play was cut short and the audience was left in suspense but not a good suspense. It was the type of "I want my money back" suspense (even though the play was free). It was frustration actually. Why would someone write a play with such a horrible ending and waste my time like this?  But that's how some of us feel! Maybe your life is not where you want it to be and you feel like that "bad ending".  Know today that God's glory can change your story if you put your trust in Him. No matter how bad things look right now, trust God to write the story of your life. Give Him all your mess, your failures, your bad decisions, your good intentions that turned out bad...allow Him to create a miraculous ending. He is the author and the finisher of our faith.

Do you still have faith? Faith that God is a finisher? Faith that God will not leave you hanging? Faith that He will bring you through THIS and into a new chapter of your life? Faith that there is not only a happy ending but a sequel? Faith that He will still reveal His glory in and through you?

Pray with me: Lord, I choose to believe that You have not given up on me. The story You wrote for my life started before I was in my mother's womb. Through sorrows and tragedy, You are my joy and all things are working together for my good! You are the Author and Finisher of my life and my faith is in You! I trust You because You see what lies ahead! I trust in Your love for me that You have great plans for me and will bring me to an expected end. Your glory can change my story, in Jesus name, Amen.


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