Life is short. Live for God.

With the recent tragedies in our nation, my thoughts have zoomed into the disturbing reality that life can end abruptly and without notice. Now, this blog is not to make you sad, but to challenge you to look at life differently. As someone who does not like flying, I tend to really think about my purpose in life before boarding a plane. Thoughts cross my mind such as “What if today is the day?”. My initial thought turns into a prayer of repentance, to make sure I am in right standing with God. Later, I find myself thinking over my whole life. “Have I fulfilled the purpose for why God created me?” “Have I been effective in helping someone come to Christ? “Have I done my very best to love, know and obey God?” “What potential in my life have I not tapped into?” and “What else have I yet to fulfill or accomplish?”.

The saying “get rich or die trying” is concerning because when you die your riches die too. What happens when everything you "died trying" to obtain dies with you. You can leave material things to loved ones and friends but they will have no real value to you. No matter how blinged out a casket is, material things stay here, in the earth. We conveniently neglect the one thing that matters the most: eternity. We have to focus on what really matters. Life, in itself, is short but eternity is FOREVER. 

If we are wise, we will focus on knowing God and building His kingdom instead of building our own kingdoms. The bible says in Psalms 111:10, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth forever”. Be wise and fear the Lord. Do not be fooled into thinking that you will live forever. Do not be distracted from your purpose but live your life to please God. David prayed, in Psalm 90:12, “So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.”

What comes to your mind when you consider your life? 
Have you been distracted by things that have no eternal value? 
Have you found yourself building and seeking your own kingdom?
Are you seeking your own happiness?
Are you consumed in your own self-centered life? 
Do you feel like you can live your life for God at a more convenient time? 
Or are you following God and His plan so that you can affect the world for Him? 

Seriously consider, not in a cliché or overrated way, how short life is and what you can do to make your life count for God.  

If your life ended today, would you regret holding onto bitterness and unforgiveness? Would you wish you wrote that book God told you to write years ago? Would you wish you spent more time praying than scrolling through social media? Would you be repentant of all your sin? Would you have reason to hear “Well done, thou good and faithful servant?”.

Pray with me: God, I pray that you would wash me and cleanse me of all my sins, in Jesus' name! Touch my heart that I would live a repented, God-fearing life. Help me to live for You and seek first Your kingdom. Teach me to number my days and to store up treasures in heaven, not just things that will pass away. Let my drive, focus, and passion be found in You, not the standards that this world presents. Let your kingdom come and Your will be done in my life in Jesus' name, amen!


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