New Day

Every day you wake up is a NEW DAY to try again.  
a NEW DAY to walk in the mercies of God
NEW DAY to hope
NEW DAY to soar
a NEW DAY to get "it" right

In this season, I truly know that God is doing a new thing. God is pushing me into a deeper walk with Him and challenging me in new ways. In this month of December, I am compelled to walk in newness NOW and not simply wait til January. 

Imagine if we treated EVERY day the way we treat New Years Day. On New Years Day, we have an overwhelming desire and drive to change things in our lives, especially things we have failed at in the past. Something about the year starting over encourages many of us that we can conquer new goals and get rid of unhealthy habits in our lives. 

With God, we can constantly reset and walk into a NEW day because His mercies are new every morning. We do not have to wait until once a year or limit God to a calendar. The key to walking in newness is to not lose hope and to get back up no matter how many times you have tried.
Make a decision to not to stay stuck in yesterday. Even when you have many failed attempts, it's up to you whether or not you want to stay down or get back up. You may be attempting to forgive and memories come back up? You may be attempting to eat healthy but you lack self-control? You may be attempting to increase the time you spend with the Lord? Seek the Lord and set a NEW goal today. Forgive AGAIN. Go back to the gym and eat healthy AGAIN. Trust God to ignite your prayer life AGAIN.

Sometimes, we throw in the towel because we are so frustrated by our inability to get things right. It is important for us to understand that God, in His mercy, does not give up on us! W
Proverbs 24:16, tells us that a righteous man fall seven times but he gets back up again!
Seek the Lord for a new start. Today is NEW DAY for you because of the faithfulness of God.


"This I recall to my mind,
Therefore I have hope.
the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness"

Lamentations 3:21-23


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