In Charlotte, over the last few days,the temperature has gone from 35 degrees in the morning, to as high as 75 degrees throughout the day. There is no consistency in the weather. I am enjoying all the warm weather even though it is far from a winter wonderland. As we celebrate  the birth of Jesus, I am so amazed by who Jesus is to me. He does not change like the seasons. He remains consistent.

The prophet Isaiah, prophesied in Isaiah 9:6   

"For unto us a Child is born,Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace" 

Of many things, Jesus is the BEST Counselor! A skilled counselor is a great listener first but also knows how to listen to what is not being said. Jesus counsels me by knowing the innermost parts of my being. He knows the things I do not say. He knows the things that I cannot seem to put into words. As a Wonderful Counselor, He listens and He guides me. He stills my heart like no one else can.

Many times we are tempted to go so many places for counsel instead of seeking Jesus. Our friends should not be our only source of counsel. Facebook and social media should not be misused for false counsel. Jesus is our Counselor and we should seek Him first in prayer. When we are still before Him, even when we do not know the "right" words to pray, He knows the depths of our heart.

No matter what you are going through today, you are not alone. Don't neglect God because you cannot tangibly see Him. He is still there and the answers you seek are in Him. He may confirm His word through people but know that He desires to hear from you personally. He is listening even when it does not feel like He is and you can place your trust in Him because He does not change. People may change. Season may change. Situations may change. Finances may change but Jesus will not change.


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