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(Join us as we conclude the last segment to our series on the Lord's prayer) Every day of our lives, we need the Spirit of God to lead us. As we seek God’s leading, we have to make a decision to not be led by our own emotions and fleshy desires. We face many temptations which come to derail us from the plan of God for our lives. We must be aware and purposeful about God ordering our steps. The bible reminds us countless times that we are in a war against things we cannot see which is why we must walk by faith and not by sight. One of the biggest temptations of the enemy is for us to make decisions based on what we see and give in to our flesh. We give in to our flesh by not praying, responding and lashing out on people, not practicing self-control, being carnally minded, not allowing God to lead us and of course the list goes on. However, as we pray God will give us insight to avoid certain temptations and He will make known to us the plans of the enemy. He will sho

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Acknowledging God

2018. Intentional.